A Good Archer Always:
Helps put out the equipment and put it away again.
Takes into account other archers shooting on the same target when positioning his foot markers and allows sufficient space for them.
Knows how many arrows they have shot and how many are in their quiver.
Pays to replace an archer’s arrow damaged through their carelessness.
Always calls ‘FAST’ whenever they see a potential danger.
A Good Archer Does Not:
Talk in a loud voice when others are shooting.
Talk to another archer who prefers to remain silent.
Offer advice unless asked.
Exclaim on the Shooting Line, for themselves or others, in joy or disgust.
Walk off the Shooting Line while a neighbour is at full draw.
Touch another archer’s equipment, without permission.
Walk up and down the Line comparing scores.
Shoot distances beyond their capability, thereby continually missing and holding up shooting.
Disturb people by using loud mobile ‘phone ringtones or by speaking on their ‘phone on or around the Shooting Line.
Smoke near the Shooting or Waiting Lines.
Leave litter on the archery ground.
When Scoring, A Good Archer:
Does not go behind the target to retrieve arrows before the scores have been taken.
When calling scores, does so in groups of three and in descending order of value, e.g. ‘10,9,8’, etc.
While calling scores, points to each arrow as it is called, without touching the arrow or target face.
Does not touch any arrow on the target face until all arrow values have been called, recorded and checked.
When required to do so, takes their turn at scoring.
Only pulls another archer’s arrows from the target face with their consent.
At the end of each round, thanks the Target Captain for the work done by them.
Will always call for a Judge if in doubt as to an arrow’s scoring value.
Article by Ian MacDonald