Located in the ancient Capital City of Scotland, Perth Archery Club was founded in 2010 and since that time, membership has grown each year to a current total of more than 80. We also cater for youngsters with a Junior Section which was added in 2013.

​Since the Club’s inception, several junior and senior members have regularly competed in both National and International archery tournaments. Consequently, the Club proudly boasts past and present Scottish Champions and Scottish record holders in both Ladies and Gents disciplines.

We cater for all abilities and different styles of archery including recurve, barebow and longbow and beginner’s courses are held regularly throughout the year, with the emphasis on fun and enjoyment.​​

Club Committee & Documents

CURRENT Constitution 2023

Management Committee 2024-25

Chair: Simon Garforth
Secretary: Manuela Toth
Treasurer: Robert Mellish
Records Secretary: Mark Cairns
Coaching & Development Officer: Allan Winter
Equipment & Range Safety Officer:  Alex Morris
Membership Secretary: Robin Millar
General Committee Member: Iain Stirling
General Committee Member: James Clark
CWPO: Gilly Watt

Committee Appointed Positions:

Trophy Officer: <Position Vacant>
Webmaster: Allan Winter

Current Coaches

Level 2:

Simon Garforth
Ian Heywood
Allan Winter

Session (Level 1):

Sue Thomson

All of our coaches have signed the Perth Archery Club Code of Conduct for Coaches, and the Archery GB Code of Conduct for Coaches & Volunteers and are screened under the PVG Scheme.

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